
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major debit/credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover). All transactions are made via Paypal. You do not have to have a Paypal account to make your transactions.

How long till I receive my beat(s) after Purchased?

All non-exclusive purchases are sent instantly upon payment directly to your email provided. Please allow up to 24 hrs for contract and receipt for exclusive purchases.

Do I have to give the producer credit?

Yes. For YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Reverb Nation, Facebook, etc simply add the following to your music description / credit area : “Produced by –”
For all physical media: Anything to the likes of “Produced by JasonXBeats”, or “Beat / Instrumental by JasonXBeats” will be sufficient.

Can I sell a song I've made with any instrumental I purchase?
What are trackouts?
Can I make a YouTube or Vimeo video with a beat I purchased?
Will the beat be removed from the beat store once I purchase it exclusively?
Can I make money or sell songs using the Free Beats you offer?
What do I need to send you to have my song mixed and or master?

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